God of Second Chances Carlos Whittaker

This City Is Yours Elevation

Revelation Song Jesus Culture
![Revelation Song (feat. Kim Walker-Smith) [Live] - Revelation Song (feat. Kim Walker-Smith) [Live] - Single](http://ax.phobos.apple.com.edgesuite.net/images/web/linkmaker/badge_itunes-sm.gif)
I Quit living in fear was an awesome message. There were so many things that we can relate to and put in to a practical application in that message.
The FIRST fact is that FEAR is NOT from God.
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7)
Secondly is that fear is placing faith in the "WHAT IF'S?".... WOW, how true is that? It's something we all have done or are doing now. We know the truth and we know that we have victory but we are being consumed by the what if's? For many of us we dwell on the bad or what seems to be impossible. We forget about what God has taken you through or what we have come out of. Remind yourself of situations that you deemed as impossible but made it through. DON'T FORGET about what GOD has done in your life!
I had a really great time getting to know the guys from lifechurch.tv that came out for the weekend. They were able to see what Life Church Franklin is all about!!
Lifers, Lets keep it up. Continue to live out your daily lives as the church. Bringing change wherever you go.Bringing life to dark situations!!
You guys are awesome!!
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