Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sunday April 25

We Have Overcome-Elevation
Mighty to save- Hillsong
Beautiful- Phil Wickham
It is Well
I love your presence

For those of you who weren't there on Sunday we moved our location to the FHS Fine Arts Center for the day because of a concert at the theater. I first want to say thank you to all the guys who helped set up and tear down. We had a lot more to do to prepare and we needed all the help we could get. So a BIG THANK YOU!! I also want to tell you how awesome it is to play with the group of extremely talented musicians and singers. They are such a vital role to Life Church and we need to appreciate them and their hard work. The worship team is the first ones there at 7am and some of the last ones to leave. So again, thanks!
We really hit some hard subjects Sunday. Subjects that aren't ever talked about. Homosexuality, masturbation, gambling, drinking, horoscopes, living together outside of marriage and many other things through out the past 3 weeks. Most people don't even talk about these things at home much less at church. We are blessed to have Craig stand up for what the bible says and not be afraid of it. There was nothing watered down. It was the real deal!
We are continuing to grow at LCF!! New people are coming all the time. Have you found a Life Group yet? Are you even looking for one? We are starting 4 new ones in May! There will be one for Adults, 7th to 12th graders, college/young professionals age and a Life at Lunch meeting in town. Check them out. Talk to some one at the Guest Services table in the front lobby on Sunday! You don't want to miss out. They are what we are about. DON'T GO SOLO IN 2010!!
We are blessed with a huge facility with lots of room so......Invite someone to church. Most people will not turn you down so why not? What are you waiting for?


Monday, April 19, 2010

Sunday April 18

Blessed be Your Name- Matt Redman
God Who Answers Prayer- Elevation Church
Glory to God - Steve Fee

So yesterday was a laid back acoustic feel for worship but it was Powerfull. If that was your first time hearing God who Answers prayer then you had to get rocked! Andrew and Kimberly did such an awesome job on it. Man it was good!!! I am really enjoying this series FAQ. We are tackling issues that churches and people just dont want to talk about. It is time that we be speakers of truth! This is such a good series to invite people to.If you thought this week was wild then wait till next week. Dont forget we will be at the FHS Fine Arts Center. So what did you think about singing outside? A little different eh? It was such a beautiful day and it was really cool to see all of you outside singing away. As always I encouarge you to invite someone to church. What are you afraid of? Share your story, what God has done in your life, what God is doing in your life!! Be blessed Life Church.


Monday, April 12, 2010

Sunday Aprill 11th

How can I keep from singing Chris Tomlin
Cannons Phil Wickham
The Stand Hillsong
I exalt thee Jesus Culture
Amazing Grace(my chains are gone) Chris Tomlin

I wanted to encourage you all that as we grow (and we are) to step out of your comfort zone and talk to people. Take someone new out to lunch or invite them over for a meal. The bigger we get the harder it is to get to know people. That is up to you to talk to people. Patrick or myself cant talk to every single person on Sunday. We need your help. Be friendly!!! We can all remember a time were we showed up somewhere, especially a church service where no one said hello. Didnt you just want to go back and visit? No way! Lets not be that kind of church or kind of people. So try something new.....Talk to people. Some of you have no problem but some.... you know who you are! So be encouraged that I am encouraging you!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

New Song for Ya

Hey Life Church,
Here is a new song we are working on. Check it out and get ahead of the game and learn it with us!!
With Everything by Hillsong

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Sunday

Jesus Paid it all - Kristian Stanfill
Rise and Sing - Fee
Hosanna - Brooke Fraser
Revelation Song - Jesus Culture
I am Free

Sunday was such an awesome day! Seeing those people baptized tore me up. It is such an honor and privilege to be apart of that like changing experience. There were so many people there too. I looked out and couldn't believe it. And on time too!! I want to encourage you to continue to invite people to church. I dream big and I see us filling that place up. Not just one service but two! That is going to happen when you step out and invite people. God is doing amazing things here at Life Church and I am excited to see what is going to happen and be apart of it. Step out of your comfort zone and talk to people, invite people or better yet share what God has done in your life!! Now it the time, this is the day that the Lord has made. Rejoice and be glad in it.

Your Worship Pastor,