Wednesday, December 29, 2010

EVE of EVE Set List

For those who have been asking, here they are!

Jingle Bell rock
All Creation Sing(Joy to the world) Fee
Glory to God Fee
O come Let us adore Him ( with a twist)
Our God Tomlin
Glory in the Highest Tomlin
How He Loves
Revelation Song

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Write it out!

Well, first off let me say that I loved our Eve of Christmas Eve experience! WOW. Tons of people and just an awesome time celebrating the birth of Jesus!! Thank you to all who helped. Special thanks to the worship team for all the time you gave towards this. You all are awesome!

This is the time of year that we make New Years Resolutions. Some of them can be reached and some are things that we say every year. I was thinking about this myself and I want to challenge you to come up with a list. But,,,,,come up with a list that is really real! Write it down and keep it some where you can look at it. Now I don't have things like I want to weigh 170lbs and be ripped! Its more like, I want to be a better father to my children. (lead them like I should and encourage them more). Now I wont give you my list but you can get my point. You may even pray about it. See what it is that God is wanting for you this year. Don't be afraid to dream big. Take a few minutes and think about. I enjoyed it!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Greater is coming!!

Oh Taste and See Jenn Johnson
All creation sing/Joy to the world Steve Fee
I will Follow Tomlin
Jesus Messiah Tomlin

What a day!! Are you all ready for our Eve of Christmas Eve service? You all seemed pumped up yesterday so I hope so! December 23rd 7pm. Invite like crazy!!! You can go here for more info

The message yesterday was such a real life message. If you missed it you must go online and check it out. You will not regret it. Robert Morris spoke again and gave testimonies of what God has done. I was just blown away by them. If you haven't read his book The Blessed Life then I would also highly recommend that too!
Patrick challenge us yesterday to really step up and give. Not just our 10% but beyond that. Really that's what the message was about too. Are you ready to see what God is going to do with Life Church? Are you willing to invest in the Kingdom? This is a great opportunity to do that. We(Life Church) are here to stay. As leadership and staff we put our whole life into this. We are constantly thinking about things, praying,planning and seeking what God want us to do. Our heart is to see lives changed, to raise up fully devoted followers of Christ! It is awesome to see people come along and join us on this journey. Are you ready to jump all in? We have a place for you!

Thank you for your prayer and support. Greater things are yet to come!!! Are you ready for it?

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Life Church!!!
We are having one of our biggest experiences coming up next week. December 23rd will be our Eve of Christmas Eve service and you wont want to miss it. If there is someone that you have been wanting to invite to church this is a great time for that. I promise that whoever you bring or invite will have a great time. We will be doing things a little bit different(as usual) but it will be an amazing night celebrating the birth of Jesus! Tell everyone you see, this is for the whole family! I am super excited about this and I hope you are too!!

You can go here for even more info!

Monday, December 6, 2010

You Rock!!

You Alone
The Church
Our God
Came to my Rescue

Last night we had our BIG SHOW for our volunteers. If you don't volunteer then you #1 you missed out on an awesome party and #2 you probably have no idea what the Big show even was till I explained it. We had the honor of blessing, thanking and honoring those who serve at Life Church. Food,games,prizes and just an awesome time of hanging out. THANK YOU TO THOSE WHO SERVE. You all make it happen week after week. God is doing amazing things and YOU are the connecter to the current of the power of Christ.
We have over 100 volunteers(stinkin amazing) that do things that are seen and unseen. There are people that are helping set up at 6:30am( while your sleeping) people teaching your children and there are the smiling faces you see when you arrive and not to mention the countless other places people are volunteering! This isn't a plea to get you to volunteer but your missing out if you don't. There is so much more that just showing up and leaving. Its about getting plugged in, its about being a part of something bigger that yourself!
To those who faithfully serve, YOU ROCK and Thank you! Thank you for making it happen every week! It would be impossible to do it with out you!
