There is always seasons in our lives that can make things easier or harder. It may be something your going through at that time that can make life seem like a mess or like you have it all together. Whatever the case may be we NEED some Quality Time with God!
Usually we turn to God in desperation because of a situation (Oh God, Oh God, I need a miracle) but what would happen if we lived in a desperation mode for God all the time? What if we lived our lives knowing we are consistently in need of Him?
If you want to know someone you spend time with them. You talk..... and you listen. If your married and you want to know what makes your spouse tick you listen. You know they like a certain food or what their favorite movie is. You just know what matters to them and what they see as important. The more QT we spend with God reading the Bible, praying and listening the more we will know about God and His heart.
I encourage you to take just a few minutes if thats all you have and just pause.......maybe just listen! See what God is saying to you today. He knows us, so now we need to get to know Him.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
At The Movies

I cant believe we only have one week left!
It has been a crazy month with Red carpet, Paparazzi, Crazy Ninjas, Farm animals, A special dance by Noah and his "crew", and lots of people!
I am so thankful and blessed to have a part in all of this. Life Church is seeing people come to Jesus and experience life change and that my friend is the best part of it! Lets continue to seek God and expect BIG things! I really feel we are just starting to scratch the surface with whats to come!
Thank you to all of the volunteers who have helped out so much, you all are amazing!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Sun Stand Still and Songs!
Taste and See
Joyful (The One Who Saves)
Our God
Nothing But The Blood
What a message yesterday from Steven Furtick! We are so blessed to be a part of and all they bring.
INVITE SOMEONE TO CHURCH THIS SUNDAY! This will be the end of this series so DO NOT miss it!
Are any of you praying Sun Stand Still prayers today? Do you look at prayer different now? Its a excellent reminder that we can, should and need to be praying faith filled prayers!
Its coming....One more week at the performing arts center! Its going to be good and Im pumped about the move. Are you ready? Have you started to tell people? Have you found your fit?
Go for it Life Church! Dont hold back. Give it your all!

Joyful (The One Who Saves)

Our God

Nothing But The Blood

What a message yesterday from Steven Furtick! We are so blessed to be a part of and all they bring.
INVITE SOMEONE TO CHURCH THIS SUNDAY! This will be the end of this series so DO NOT miss it!
Are any of you praying Sun Stand Still prayers today? Do you look at prayer different now? Its a excellent reminder that we can, should and need to be praying faith filled prayers!
Its coming....One more week at the performing arts center! Its going to be good and Im pumped about the move. Are you ready? Have you started to tell people? Have you found your fit?
Go for it Life Church! Dont hold back. Give it your all!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Song Links and Sunday Love
I Will Follow
Like A Lion
Shout Unto God
I Exalt Thee
Sunday finished up the series Who Do You Think You Are?
In case you don't remember or need a reminder this is what you are!
If you have to right them down and put them on your mirror or fridge as a reminder. Speak it out! It sounds crazy but if the situation looks tough say I am an overcomer!! As a follower of Christ we know who we are. We may think we've lost track or forgotten but these 5 characteristics are so important! DON'T FORGET IT!! You are a son or daughter of the King of Kings!
Invite people like crazy to this next series. It is going to be with Pastor Steven Furtick and I promise its going to be good! It is called Sun Stand Still and it will change you!
Don't just talk about it this week.....Be the Church!!

Like A Lion

Shout Unto God

I Exalt Thee

Sunday finished up the series Who Do You Think You Are?
In case you don't remember or need a reminder this is what you are!
If you have to right them down and put them on your mirror or fridge as a reminder. Speak it out! It sounds crazy but if the situation looks tough say I am an overcomer!! As a follower of Christ we know who we are. We may think we've lost track or forgotten but these 5 characteristics are so important! DON'T FORGET IT!! You are a son or daughter of the King of Kings!
Invite people like crazy to this next series. It is going to be with Pastor Steven Furtick and I promise its going to be good! It is called Sun Stand Still and it will change you!
Don't just talk about it this week.....Be the Church!!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Salt & Light
Taste and See 
Like a Lion
God of Second Chances
How He Loves
Another amazing Sunday!! God is really moving at Life Church and I am so honored to have a part!!!
Patrick challenged us as a church to get plugged in! Are you one of the people on the fence just thinking about it? Now is the best time ever to get in. We are about to move and its all going to change so everyone will be starting fresh!!
You have the opportunity to pour into peoples lives. You can be a part of Life Change!!! You can get in on the ground floor of something way bigger than you and me! People are coming from all over to come to Life Church. How cool (and crazy) is that? You could be the smile they needed, or the person to love on their kids or even the one to park their car!
I encourage you to find your fit. We have a place for you guaranteed.
Really, there is no good excuse not to help if you say you are a part of Life Church. If you have a good one then tell me because I would like to hear it!
God is for you, So do something!!

Like a Lion

God of Second Chances

How He Loves

Another amazing Sunday!! God is really moving at Life Church and I am so honored to have a part!!!
Patrick challenged us as a church to get plugged in! Are you one of the people on the fence just thinking about it? Now is the best time ever to get in. We are about to move and its all going to change so everyone will be starting fresh!!
You have the opportunity to pour into peoples lives. You can be a part of Life Change!!! You can get in on the ground floor of something way bigger than you and me! People are coming from all over to come to Life Church. How cool (and crazy) is that? You could be the smile they needed, or the person to love on their kids or even the one to park their car!
I encourage you to find your fit. We have a place for you guaranteed.
Really, there is no good excuse not to help if you say you are a part of Life Church. If you have a good one then tell me because I would like to hear it!
God is for you, So do something!!
Monday, February 28, 2011
All I can say is WOW!
We Have Overcome 
Joyful(The One Who Saves)
Desert Song
This City Is Yours
Man, What is going on? Life Church blowing up! I wish you could have seen it from our view when the lights came up. We were all in shock...People everywhere!!
God is moving and in a BIG way here. We have seen week after week people crossing over from death to LIFE!! I get so excited hearing the stories of lives being changed and seeing the transformation. Thank you Jesus for letting me be a part of this!!
Yesterday was about being an overcomer. You are an OVERCOMER!! Gods word is faithful and true. His promises are Yes and Amen. Walk in that. Walk in the victory that is already set before you. Just like we sang yesterday = All of my life, in every season You are still God and I have a reason to sing, I have a reason to worship!! Sing that over yourself if you need too, hey sing it or say it over yourself even if you don't!!
I know I say it every week but we are a part of something BIG here. This isn't the norm but you know should be. Churches should be growing. Lives should be changing. No more will we sit on the sidelines as Christian's. Its time to get busy! Its time to get our hands dirty and do some work. If you just go to church then why come? Why not get involved? There really is no good excuse for doing nothing. Sounds harsh but, its true and its how I feel!!
Its an honor to serve with you!

Joyful(The One Who Saves)

Desert Song

This City Is Yours

Man, What is going on? Life Church blowing up! I wish you could have seen it from our view when the lights came up. We were all in shock...People everywhere!!
God is moving and in a BIG way here. We have seen week after week people crossing over from death to LIFE!! I get so excited hearing the stories of lives being changed and seeing the transformation. Thank you Jesus for letting me be a part of this!!
Yesterday was about being an overcomer. You are an OVERCOMER!! Gods word is faithful and true. His promises are Yes and Amen. Walk in that. Walk in the victory that is already set before you. Just like we sang yesterday = All of my life, in every season You are still God and I have a reason to sing, I have a reason to worship!! Sing that over yourself if you need too, hey sing it or say it over yourself even if you don't!!
I know I say it every week but we are a part of something BIG here. This isn't the norm but you know should be. Churches should be growing. Lives should be changing. No more will we sit on the sidelines as Christian's. Its time to get busy! Its time to get our hands dirty and do some work. If you just go to church then why come? Why not get involved? There really is no good excuse for doing nothing. Sounds harsh but, its true and its how I feel!!
Its an honor to serve with you!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Its time to get busy/ Get moving
All Because of Jesus
Jesus Paid it All
No One Higher/ The Stand
Came To My Rescue
I Exalt Thee
Hey Life Church!!
What a Sunday! Man you all are getting more and more pumped each week. It is awesome to see and hear what God is doing among us! We are seeing Salvation's, growth like crazy, life change, community and a joy for the Church like never before. I want to encourage(push may be a better word) to invite people to church on Sunday. Invite your neighbors, your post man, your family, even invite your enemies to Life Church. Our heart is to see lives changed. We pray and plan and prepare for each Sunday with expectation. We don't get up at 5am on Sunday because its fun. We do it because we LOVE it. We do it because we are PASSIONATE about people becoming fully devoted followers of CHRIST. Lives are being changed. Our community is being changed. People are going from death to life! How stinking awesome is that? WOW! If that doesn't get you excited then what are you doing? Why do you come or even go to church? Are you alive? If you are a committed follower of Jesus and you just come to church to hang out and get fed then your missing the point. We want you to grow and we want you to be there but we want people that are far from Christ to be there. We as a staff cant invite everyone. We don't have the same area of influence that you do. We don't know everyone that you know. Use that to your advantage!!!
Its time for us to step it up. Myself as a Pastor and a Leader of Life Church is committing right now to YOU that I am stepping it up. 110%! Lets do this together. If we as church step up our game things will happen like we've never imagined. Lets make such a difference that if we were gone....... People would actually notice. Why wait? Start today. Invite your coworker or who ever. 9 out of 10 people will say yes to you so do it! I believe in you!
Lets get busy!!!!

Jesus Paid it All

No One Higher/ The Stand

Came To My Rescue

I Exalt Thee

Hey Life Church!!
What a Sunday! Man you all are getting more and more pumped each week. It is awesome to see and hear what God is doing among us! We are seeing Salvation's, growth like crazy, life change, community and a joy for the Church like never before. I want to encourage(push may be a better word) to invite people to church on Sunday. Invite your neighbors, your post man, your family, even invite your enemies to Life Church. Our heart is to see lives changed. We pray and plan and prepare for each Sunday with expectation. We don't get up at 5am on Sunday because its fun. We do it because we LOVE it. We do it because we are PASSIONATE about people becoming fully devoted followers of CHRIST. Lives are being changed. Our community is being changed. People are going from death to life! How stinking awesome is that? WOW! If that doesn't get you excited then what are you doing? Why do you come or even go to church? Are you alive? If you are a committed follower of Jesus and you just come to church to hang out and get fed then your missing the point. We want you to grow and we want you to be there but we want people that are far from Christ to be there. We as a staff cant invite everyone. We don't have the same area of influence that you do. We don't know everyone that you know. Use that to your advantage!!!
Its time for us to step it up. Myself as a Pastor and a Leader of Life Church is committing right now to YOU that I am stepping it up. 110%! Lets do this together. If we as church step up our game things will happen like we've never imagined. Lets make such a difference that if we were gone....... People would actually notice. Why wait? Start today. Invite your coworker or who ever. 9 out of 10 people will say yes to you so do it! I believe in you!
Lets get busy!!!!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Who do you think you are?
I will follow Chris Tomlin
Joyful( The One Who Saves) Brenton Brown
Mighty to Save Hillsong
Your Beautiful Phil Wickham
What a day yesterday! We started a new series called who do you think you are! Craig really brought it talking about us being Christ's ambassadors. When you know who you are, you will know what to do! If you are a Christian, you are Christ's ambassador! That was such a great reminder for us! We are apart of something so big. We are apart of bringing the Kingdom to earth. We are a carrier of the truth. The question is are we really living that way? I know of areas in my life that I can step it up in so what about you? Are living like and ambassador or do you consider yourself just a"regular" christian? You are a son or daughter of the Creator! Dude...That's awesome! You are royalty so live like it!!

Joyful( The One Who Saves) Brenton Brown

Mighty to Save Hillsong

Your Beautiful Phil Wickham

What a day yesterday! We started a new series called who do you think you are! Craig really brought it talking about us being Christ's ambassadors. When you know who you are, you will know what to do! If you are a Christian, you are Christ's ambassador! That was such a great reminder for us! We are apart of something so big. We are apart of bringing the Kingdom to earth. We are a carrier of the truth. The question is are we really living that way? I know of areas in my life that I can step it up in so what about you? Are living like and ambassador or do you consider yourself just a"regular" christian? You are a son or daughter of the Creator! Dude...That's awesome! You are royalty so live like it!!
Monday, February 7, 2011
I Quit!!
Rise and Sing Fee
God of Second Chances Carlos Whittaker
This City Is Yours Elevation
Revelation Song Jesus Culture![Revelation Song (feat. Kim Walker-Smith) [Live] - Revelation Song (feat. Kim Walker-Smith) [Live] - Single](
I Quit living in fear was an awesome message. There were so many things that we can relate to and put in to a practical application in that message.
The FIRST fact is that FEAR is NOT from God.
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7)
Secondly is that fear is placing faith in the "WHAT IF'S?".... WOW, how true is that? It's something we all have done or are doing now. We know the truth and we know that we have victory but we are being consumed by the what if's? For many of us we dwell on the bad or what seems to be impossible. We forget about what God has taken you through or what we have come out of. Remind yourself of situations that you deemed as impossible but made it through. DON'T FORGET about what GOD has done in your life!
I had a really great time getting to know the guys from that came out for the weekend. They were able to see what Life Church Franklin is all about!!
Lifers, Lets keep it up. Continue to live out your daily lives as the church. Bringing change wherever you go.Bringing life to dark situations!!
You guys are awesome!!

God of Second Chances Carlos Whittaker

This City Is Yours Elevation

Revelation Song Jesus Culture
![Revelation Song (feat. Kim Walker-Smith) [Live] - Revelation Song (feat. Kim Walker-Smith) [Live] - Single](
I Quit living in fear was an awesome message. There were so many things that we can relate to and put in to a practical application in that message.
The FIRST fact is that FEAR is NOT from God.
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7)
Secondly is that fear is placing faith in the "WHAT IF'S?".... WOW, how true is that? It's something we all have done or are doing now. We know the truth and we know that we have victory but we are being consumed by the what if's? For many of us we dwell on the bad or what seems to be impossible. We forget about what God has taken you through or what we have come out of. Remind yourself of situations that you deemed as impossible but made it through. DON'T FORGET about what GOD has done in your life!
I had a really great time getting to know the guys from that came out for the weekend. They were able to see what Life Church Franklin is all about!!
Lifers, Lets keep it up. Continue to live out your daily lives as the church. Bringing change wherever you go.Bringing life to dark situations!!
You guys are awesome!!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
3yr anniversary
I am free 
Glory to God Forever Steve Fee
The Church Elevation
Sweetly Broken Jeremy Riddle
Sunday was amazing and I have to say that I am so grateful to be apart of what is going on here. 3 years we have been a church and we are GROWING!! Man its crazy to think that it all started with a handful of people. Patrick talked about where we were, where we are and where we are going! That is a phrase that we can all use for our lives too. Where are you headed? What choices or decisions are you making to get there. Whether we realize it or not we are making decisions!
I am super stoked for out move. It is going to be AWESOME!! I know that our growth is going to be even faster than it has. I'm believing BIG. I know that greater things are in store for us. Lets all do our part and dig in, get our hands dirty and make a difference!
Thank you Life Church for believing in the the leadership. For jumping in knowing that its going to be crazy but soo worth it!! I believe in you all. You are world changers!!

Glory to God Forever Steve Fee

The Church Elevation

Sweetly Broken Jeremy Riddle

Sunday was amazing and I have to say that I am so grateful to be apart of what is going on here. 3 years we have been a church and we are GROWING!! Man its crazy to think that it all started with a handful of people. Patrick talked about where we were, where we are and where we are going! That is a phrase that we can all use for our lives too. Where are you headed? What choices or decisions are you making to get there. Whether we realize it or not we are making decisions!
I am super stoked for out move. It is going to be AWESOME!! I know that our growth is going to be even faster than it has. I'm believing BIG. I know that greater things are in store for us. Lets all do our part and dig in, get our hands dirty and make a difference!
Thank you Life Church for believing in the the leadership. For jumping in knowing that its going to be crazy but soo worth it!! I believe in you all. You are world changers!!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
JANUARY 23rd Set List
I Will Follow Tomlin
This City Is Yours Elevation
How He Loves McMillan
Nothing but the Blood
If our tongue has the power of Life or Death(Proverbs 18:21) then what are you speaking? It seems that being an encourager is almost a gift or lost art these days. Why is it that we are more apt to tell someone what we didn't like about something rather than what we did like? A big part is because we are consumers and we want it the way we want it and leave no room for error(especially someone else's). What if next time you went to speak it was an encouraging or positive word? What if you told someone how great they did at something instead of pointing out the flaws?
Christians and the Church have mastered pointing out what we don't like. We are more known for what we are against than what we are for. I think its time for a change! What if we were known for being such amazing encouragers, speaking positive things and lifting each other up? Not looking for fault but seeing the positive? For being people of love rather than hate? Lets be the change this world needs and that people need to see. Bite your tongue if you have to. I ask you to try it. Not biting your tongue but speaking positive, speaking life! You know how you feel when someone tells you how great you did? Now go and make someone else feel that way too!
Lets think....before we speak, and lets bring back the ART of ENCOURAGEMENT!!
I Will Follow Tomlin
This City Is Yours Elevation
How He Loves McMillan
Nothing but the Blood
If our tongue has the power of Life or Death(Proverbs 18:21) then what are you speaking? It seems that being an encourager is almost a gift or lost art these days. Why is it that we are more apt to tell someone what we didn't like about something rather than what we did like? A big part is because we are consumers and we want it the way we want it and leave no room for error(especially someone else's). What if next time you went to speak it was an encouraging or positive word? What if you told someone how great they did at something instead of pointing out the flaws?
Christians and the Church have mastered pointing out what we don't like. We are more known for what we are against than what we are for. I think its time for a change! What if we were known for being such amazing encouragers, speaking positive things and lifting each other up? Not looking for fault but seeing the positive? For being people of love rather than hate? Lets be the change this world needs and that people need to see. Bite your tongue if you have to. I ask you to try it. Not biting your tongue but speaking positive, speaking life! You know how you feel when someone tells you how great you did? Now go and make someone else feel that way too!
Lets think....before we speak, and lets bring back the ART of ENCOURAGEMENT!!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Can you handle it?
Sunday set (1/9/11)
Your Love Never Fails
Grace Like Rain
Ah fasting! How fun it is. Ha HA. Its hard, and at times it just plain stinks. We really see how we crave things when we have decided to stay away from different foods or drinks or whatever it is. But, in those times we really seem to lean on God. We really get focused. Our laser vision sets in and we say to ourself I need to pray or read. Lets take these moments with us after the fasting is over. When we get in our routines lets find ourself still being laser focused saying I need to pray or read!! Lets create good habits for this year. Habits that stick that will change us, our church and our community forever. We only have this short life of ours to make a difference. If we arent going to do anything revolutionary then what are we doing! Lets be the change this world needs to see! Keep it up Life Church!
Your Love Never Fails
Grace Like Rain
Ah fasting! How fun it is. Ha HA. Its hard, and at times it just plain stinks. We really see how we crave things when we have decided to stay away from different foods or drinks or whatever it is. But, in those times we really seem to lean on God. We really get focused. Our laser vision sets in and we say to ourself I need to pray or read. Lets take these moments with us after the fasting is over. When we get in our routines lets find ourself still being laser focused saying I need to pray or read!! Lets create good habits for this year. Habits that stick that will change us, our church and our community forever. We only have this short life of ours to make a difference. If we arent going to do anything revolutionary then what are we doing! Lets be the change this world needs to see! Keep it up Life Church!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Put it on Paper
God of Second Chances Carlos Whittaker
No one Higher/The Stand Fee
We have overcome Elevation Version
Mighty to Save Hillsong
Came to my Rescue Hillsong
Its a New Year!! Can you believe how fast its gone by? Wow!
Sundays message was a great way to start off the year. Craig really reminded us about putting God First! Its something we say and talk about but its not always something we do. We have good intentions of reading our bible or spending time in prayer but we( I for sure) get side tracked easily and then next thing you know the day is over! Starting off our New year with a corporate fast is an excellent way to get focused on God and prepare ourselves for the upcoming year. Today is day 2 of our 21 day fast( hows it going for you?) so we are just getting started. It is awesome to know that not only Lifers but people all over the world are fasting/praying and going after God together!
During this time I want to encourage you to journal. Its a great way to write out your thoughts and prayers. Write out what you hear God speaking to you. Its something you can go back through and see where you were during this time or what you were praying for. Be real when you write. You would be surprised how much you can write out!
Know that we are in this together! Seeking God, expecting great things and knowing that the best is yet to come!!
No one Higher/The Stand Fee
We have overcome Elevation Version
Mighty to Save Hillsong
Came to my Rescue Hillsong
Its a New Year!! Can you believe how fast its gone by? Wow!
Sundays message was a great way to start off the year. Craig really reminded us about putting God First! Its something we say and talk about but its not always something we do. We have good intentions of reading our bible or spending time in prayer but we( I for sure) get side tracked easily and then next thing you know the day is over! Starting off our New year with a corporate fast is an excellent way to get focused on God and prepare ourselves for the upcoming year. Today is day 2 of our 21 day fast( hows it going for you?) so we are just getting started. It is awesome to know that not only Lifers but people all over the world are fasting/praying and going after God together!
During this time I want to encourage you to journal. Its a great way to write out your thoughts and prayers. Write out what you hear God speaking to you. Its something you can go back through and see where you were during this time or what you were praying for. Be real when you write. You would be surprised how much you can write out!
Know that we are in this together! Seeking God, expecting great things and knowing that the best is yet to come!!
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