Monday, September 27, 2010


How Can I Keep From Singing Chris Tomlin
Your Love Came Down Chris Quilala
Our God Chris Tomlin
Hosannah Brooke Fraser

Yesterday was such a great message. Craig was again laying it out about being a Paul and a Timothy. How about you? Are you mentoring someone? Are you being mentored by someone? Its time to start!
Have you been hurt? Have you overcome something or felt like you went through it? Well, If you answered yes to any of those than you would be great at mentoring someone. How do we gain wisdom from things but through experience? There are things in my life that I have gone through and have done that at the time was either very difficult or even damaging that I wish never happened. But, I overcame, I made it through! Now I can use those experiences to share with others in similar situations or heading down a direction that they don't need to be going and tell them my story! People need to know that they aren't the only ones who have ever struggled with addictions or with family problems or self esteem etc.. If you have overcome those things you need to share it. People are desperate to hear YOUR story. They want to know YOU made it through!

So I leave you with that! SHARE IT! Share what God has done in you.
Share what you have gone through and have overcome!


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Monday, September 20, 2010

Week 2 I Believe In You

Rise and Sing Fee
The Church Elevation Worship
Amazing Grace(My Chains are gone) Chris Tomlin
Revelation song Jennie Lee Riddle

WOW! Yesterday was stinking awesome! Craig's message was very challenging for me as a parent. As parents, we're called to unleash single-minded, Christ-centered, biblically anchored, world changers. It is my desire as a father to see my children become people of integrity. Willing to go after God with all that they are. As a father there is so much riding on how I interact with my kids. They need to know that I believe in them. I don't want them to ever think other wise! Dads, do you communicate that with your children? Do they know you believe in them by your actions towards them? Do you realize how much you impact them whether good or bad? We cant say its too late. There is always time to change!
Men... I believe in you. You can do it! Start today!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sunday September 12/ Baptism Bash

God of Second Chances Carlos Whitaker
Our God Chris Tomlin
Desert song Hillsong

Craig was rippin it up Sunday with the new series I believe in you! It is such a privilege for us at Life Church to be able to hear from him each week!
I know that you guys don't have the same view I have from the stage but there are so many new faces. Our growth is crazy. Patrick was sharing Sunday how it started with 9 families and I was looking out and seeing around 400 people and it was crazy to imagine that and look back. God is doing some amazing things here and we are excited to be apart of it.
Continue to invite people each week! Know that you can bring them to a safe place with a dangerous message!! Lifers keep it up! Spread the message, share what God is doing in your life and in out church. Keep on keeping on!

Let's do this!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Core Value

Glory to God Forever Steve Fee
Love Came Down Brian Johnson
Grace Like Rain Todd Agnew
How He Loves John Mark McMillan

How big is your vision? How big are your dreams? Do you only see yourself accomplishing little or big things? I want to encourage you all to dream BIG! To have a vision that is bigger than what you can see your self doing. Why not? Why think small? Go for it. Think big and dream big! One of our Core Values of Life Church is= We are faith-filled, big thinking, bet the farm risk takers! We will never insult God with small thinking and safe living!
How about you?


Thursday, September 2, 2010

What is worship? By Jordann Wood

what is worship?

There are all kinds of worship, worship that involves speaking, worship that involves listening, and a worship that involves doing, to me worship is to love unquestioningly and uncritically and have a true surrender of yourself to humbly know that you are not in charge and are asking God to take control and let his plan live throughout your life. Music is just one way we can express our worship to God, to think that you can sing to the creator of the universe, to the maker of everything is amazing and so many times i think we take it for granite that at any time and anywhere we can just stop and simply talk to God, to thank him to sing praises to him. To stand face to face to God in complete awe, i think THAT is true worship. This week don't take for granite that God is not this big process and plan but that he is a relationship, and savior and a father. Take worship to another level and LIVE out worship in everything you do.

- jordann wood